IEnumerable VS IQueryable in C#

IEnumerable VS IQueryable in C#

Understanding difference between IEnumerable and IQueryable in C#


5 min read

When working with collections of data in C#, two commonly used interfaces are IEnumerable and IQueryable. While both interfaces allow developers to iterate over collections, they have some fundamental differences that can impact the performance and functionality of your code.

In this article, I will discuss the differences between these two interfaces, when to use them, and some best practices for optimizing performance.

IEnumerable in C

IEnumerable is the most basic interface for iterating over collections in C#. It is defined in the System.Collections namespace and contains a single method, GetEnumerator(), which returns an IEnumerator.

The IEnumerator interface provides methods for iterating over a collection, including, which moves the iterator to the next item in the collection, and Current, which returns the current item. IEnumerator also includes a Reset() method that allows the iterator to be reset to the beginning of the collection.

One of the key features of IEnumerable is its support for deferred execution. This means that when you iterate over a collection using IEnumerable, the iteration logic is not executed until you request each item in the collection. This allows for more efficient memory usage since the entire collection does not need to be loaded into memory at once.

IEnumerable is best used for in-memory collections, such as arrays or lists. For example, let's say you have a list of integers and you want to iterate over them to find the sum of all even numbers, you could use the following code:

List<int> numbers = new List<int> { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 };
int sum = 0;
foreach (int number in numbers)
    if (number % 2 == 0)
        sum += number;

This code iterates over the numbers list using foreach and checks if each number is even. If it is, it adds the number to the sum variable. Since the numbers list is an in-memory collection, using IEnumerable is a good choice for iterating over it.

IQueryable in C

IQueryable is a more advanced interface for querying data in C#. It is defined in the System.Linq namespace and extends IEnumerable.

IQueryable provides a set of extension methods that allow you to perform complex queries on data sources, such as databases or web services, without loading all the data into memory at once. This is known as deferred execution, which allows for more efficient querying of large data sets.

One of the key features of IQueryable is its support for expression trees. Expression trees are a way to represent code as data, which allows you to build queries dynamically at runtime. This is useful when you need to build complex queries based on user input or other runtime factors.

Imagine you have a database table with millions of records and you need to retrieve all records where the value in a certain column is greater than 10. Here's how you could accomplish this using IQueryable:

var records = dbContext.Table.Where(r => r.Value > 10);

This code builds a query using the Where() method and returns an IQueryable object that represents the query. The query is not executed immediately but is instead stored as an expression tree that can be translated into SQL and executed against the database when needed.

Let's say, you want to filter the results based on a user input value. Here's how you could modify the code using IQueryable to accomplish this:

int userInput = 20;
var query = dbContext.Table.Where(r => r.Value > 10);
if (userInput > 0)
    query = query.Where(r => r.Value < userInput);
var records = query.ToList();

This code builds the initial query using the Where() method and then conditionally adds a second filter to the query based on the user input value. The ToList() method is then called to execute the query and retrieve the matching records from the database.

By using IQueryable, you can build dynamic queries that can be modified at runtime based on user input or other factors. This can make your code more flexible and easier to maintain.

Performance Considerations

When it comes to performance considerations, there are a few key differences between IEnumerable and IQueryable that you should be aware of.

  • When you use IEnumerable to retrieve data from a data source such as a database, all the data is loaded into memory at once. This can be problematic if you're dealing with a large data set, as it can lead to high memory usage and slow performance.

  • When you use IQueryable, the query is executed against the data source itself, rather than loading all the data into memory at once. This means that you can retrieve only the data you need, which can result in better performance and lower memory usage.

  • When you use IEnumerable for objects that have already been retrieved from the data source, This means that any additional filtering or sorting that you perform will be done in memory, which can also be slow for large data sets.

  • If you're working with a small data set that fits entirely in memory, or if you're performing complex calculations or transformations on the data, you may find that using IEnumerable is simpler and more performant more than using the IQueryable.

So, when it comes to performance considerations, it's important to understand the differences between IEnumerable and IQueryable. While IEnumerable can be simpler to work with in some cases, IQueryable offers significant performance benefits when working with large data sets or external data sources.


In summary, IEnumerable and IQueryable are both interfaces for iterating over collections in C#, but they have some fundamental differences that can impact the performance and functionality of your code.

IEnumerable is best used for in-memory collections, such as arrays or lists, and supports deferred execution. IQueryable is best used for querying external data sources, such as databases or web services, and also supports deferred execution, along with expression trees that allow for dynamic query building.

When using IEnumerable and IQueryable, it's important to consider the size of the data set and the performance implications of loading all data into memory at once. By choosing the right interface for the work and using best practices for querying data sources, you can write efficient and effective code that performs well even on large data sets.

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